
<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/e764f7f7-0b78-4c26-a8fa-ec7e46027f00/image-removebg-preview_(60).png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/e764f7f7-0b78-4c26-a8fa-ec7e46027f00/image-removebg-preview_(60).png" width="40px" /> Migration of inventory management system from on-premise to cloud system by centralizing inventory data scattered all over Japan



The client, a major Japanese automobile manufacturer with numerous inventory locations throughout Japan, had been using Excel and in-house tools to collect data, which resulted in errors and required a great deal of man-hours, preventing the efficient promotion of business operations. In addition, it was difficult to perform complex data aggregation and visualize the results, which are necessary for business purposes. The client requested us to build a full-scale data infrastructure with a view to real-time data management by centralizing inventory data and utilizing the accumulated data.

Detail and Effect

The client has been able to improve operational efficiency and visualize inventory status in real time by automating tasks that were previously performed in analog form. In addition, the company has eliminated the need for human resources, allowing the staff in charge to focus on higher value-added tasks.


Language, Software